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Research projects


MidAS-Po (Modello idrogeologico delle Acque Sotterranee del distretto idrografico del fiume Po) will be the first hydrogeological water model applied on a large scale. The study will make it possible to construct the first conceptual and numerical model of water flows and groundwater levels, to represent the state of underground water bodies, to determine the hydrogeological balance on a basin scale and to make future forecast analyses of groundwater availability in the context of climate change. The aim of the project is to increase the level of knowledge of the groundwater health status of the Po Valley from a qualitative and quantitative point of view, in a current context characterised by frequent water scarcity events. The project is led by AdBPo (Autorità di Bacino del fiume Po) with the collaboration of 10 Universities and the Regions and environmental authorities touched by the basin.


MAURICE (MAnagement of Urban water Resources In Central Europe facing climate change) aims to improve the ability of the Central European area to cope with climate change. The project aims to provide technical and management solutions for urban areas in Central Europe to be more resilient to the effects of climate change on water resources. This will be ensured through the implementation of 6 Pilot Actions in 6 EC countries covering the different facets concerning the problem of water resource management in urbanised areas. Within the project, several regions located in the “North” (PL, D and CZ) and “South” (IT, SL, KR) of the Alpine chain will be involved, which differ in their expected climate change impacts based on IPCC reports. Official project website.

E-limina HC

E-limina HC (Eni-Linking Isotopic and Microbial Investigation to aid Natural Attenuation on Hydrocarbons) project aims to investigate the possibility of using chemicals analysis techniques, such as: compositional and isotopic analyses, in combination with microbiological and geochemical analysis, in order to better characterize the biodegradation potential of soils and waters contaminated by petroleoum hydrocarbons. This investigation techniques are essential in monitoring degradation processes such as MNA (Monitored Natural Attenuation) or induced by bio stimulation (Enhanced Attenuation). More information here.


AMIIGA (Integrated Approach To Management Of Groundwater Quality In Functional Urban Areas) is an Interreg Central Europe project focused on integrated assessment, remediation and management strategies, as well as on the development of tools for characterization/prioritization of groundwater contamination sources. More information about the project can be found here.

NAURU: a groundwater supply project

The NAURU project, financed by Milano Municipality within Expo 2015 actions, focuses on water supply improvement. The NAURU project aims to start the exploitation of GW resources in the central plateau of Nauru island making available an additional water resource and avoiding the saltwater intrusion problem. The purpose is to provide Nauru with new infrastructures for the groundwater exploitation and directives for its sustainable management. More information and materials available here.


Project funded by Lombardy Region and MIUR (Ministry of Instruction, University and Research). Collaboration with Tethys Srl and Politecnico di Milano’s Energy Department, in order to implement and monitor a ground source heat pump plant providing heating, cooling and ventilation to a piglet room. A set of different energy and subsoil temperature parameters was monitored to numerically model the environmental impact on groundwater system. More information and materials available here.